wallpaper space

wallpaper space. Planet Wallpapers, Space
  • Planet Wallpapers, Space

  • ozone
    Nov 27, 10:40 PM
    While your needs are not the same as mine, we both seem to find this an important technology to work with. I do believe there is a BIG market out there, no one has really been able to capture it. Maybe it is just a timing thing?

    I agree ... there could be a myriad of reasons why the tablet platform is not as universally accepted as one would think. I've never stipulated that everybody must use a tablet or that it is perfect. What is irritating are the perpetual naysayers who focus on one aspect while ignoring everything else it has to offer and its potential. :)

    wallpaper space. Space Glow Wallpaper Tutorial
  • Space Glow Wallpaper Tutorial

  • Cougarcat
    Apr 23, 09:26 PM
    The current iMac's can't even run games at 2560x1440 very well, so an even higher resolution? Unless they want to stick a desktop Radeon 6950 (at least) in there, it just wouldn't work. Surely Apple sees how important gaming is with iOS and Steam?

    You don't have to run games at those high resolutions.

    wallpaper space. 37 Gorgeous Space Wallpapers
  • 37 Gorgeous Space Wallpapers

  • rovex
    Apr 20, 01:03 AM
    Keeping the same design is a wise choice, i reckon they Will make it thinner still.

    wallpaper space. Space Art Wallpaper
  • Space Art Wallpaper

  • Eidorian
    Aug 11, 12:04 PM
    Merom vs. Yonah Benchmarks (http://www.anandtech.com/cpuchipsets/showdoc.aspx?i=2808)

    Cry me a river if you're using Yonah. Unless you need 64-bit or are encoding video/audio 24/7 on your laptop the gains aren't paramount.

    wallpaper space. wallpaper space images.
  • wallpaper space images.

  • 0010101
    Nov 25, 10:14 PM
    Apple could very easily set up their 'own' cell network.. the same way Virgin Mobile, TracPhone, and several other cell phone companies have done.

    Not by building towers and cell sites.. but by buying blocks of numbers from an existing large carrier and rebranding it as their own.

    Of course, for voice and text usage, this gets expensive for the customer.. but for things like downloads of video and music files, they could simply tack on a 'wireless' surcharge.

    For instance, a particular iTunes song could cost say.. $2 if downloaded with a computer.. but $2.50 if downloaded 'direct to iPod'.

    It would work very simular to the way those 'pre-paid' cell phones work. You buy the iPod from the store, no contract to sign, no comitments. Take it home and 'activate' it for wireless access, then pay for what you download, and pay nothing if you never use the wireless features.

    iPod wireless. Don't talk. Listen.

    Send me a free 17" MacBook Pro and you can have that slogan, Steve!

    That makes perfect sense to me. Especially since the data center Apple just bought would be the perfect rig of the increased download demand, as well as billing for such a service.

    wallpaper space. Buddha Eye. Cool
  • Buddha Eye. Cool

  • DJMastaWes
    Jul 24, 12:00 AM
    I agree with you about November. But not for MBP - for Merom in MacBooks. I think since Merom is already shipping early it's a safe bet we'll see Merom MacBook Pros running @ 2.33GHz in September. November would have to be the drop dead date for Merom MacBooks still running @ 2GHz since above that speed they are way too expensive to go into MacBooks.Exactly. The Tuesday September 12 Paris Apple Expo Keynote is the latest MBP will be announced as "shipping today".
    I guess I can wait till then. But do you think they will annouce at WWDC, and then say Shipping soon or something, like they did in january?

    wallpaper space. space view wallpaper
  • space view wallpaper

  • commonpeople
    Jul 30, 12:21 AM
    As a photo geek I would have to disagree with you here. I don't believe myself that the lens quality for something so small would be good enough, and I especially don't believe that the sensors @ 5mp that small would be up to it. You'd have ridiculous amounts of noise in almost any photo, and optical aberrations would be easily picked up. Pixel density would be incredible. They have trouble getting good performance out of 6mp sensors that are several times as large as the one that would be here, and lenses on those same point and shoot digital cameras often will show massive amounts of chromatic aberrations particularly around strong light sources and highlight-shadow transitions even with lenses that are many many times larger.

    You would also probably not have a real zoom.

    This is all speculation on my part, but based on the price points of the best point and shoots, to get decent performance out of a cell camera that small and with that much resolution, you'd have to pay a huge price tag.

    Given the quality (sic) of iSight, I'm not sure that Apple is going to make a camera phone that will satisfy you. Come back in 30 years and we'll see.

    wallpaper space. iphone space wallpaper
  • iphone space wallpaper

  • Number 41
    Apr 26, 02:45 PM
    And it least Android has healthy competition too (unlike MS).

    For now. There's very little to stop Android's market share from continuing to climb. WinMobile has little traction, RIM & Symbian are bleeding users daily.

    We could be having this discussion 1 year from now (after an underwhelming, minor spec upgrade iPhone 5 in Sept) after the 2011 Christmas season and seeing Android's market share at 60%+ easily.

    wallpaper space. D.K. Space Wallpaper 1600×1200
  • D.K. Space Wallpaper 1600×1200

  • Zadillo
    Aug 4, 04:13 PM
    Why not compare the sizes?

    If you look both MBP are 1" tall with the lid closed while the Sony TX series is 1.12" tall and the SZ is 1.5" tall (at the thickest... which is up near the drive area).

    That's not really true of the SZ series either. The SZ ranges from 0.9 to 1.33" or so, and the drive area is in the thin part of it at the front:


    wallpaper space. Cool free wallpaper - Zenergy:
  • Cool free wallpaper - Zenergy:

  • sunfast
    Nov 27, 08:13 AM
    I am sure that a tablet is coming at some point. The windows based tablets appeared too soon IMHO, were over priced and the one I used was atrocious. Maybe that made Apple hold off?

    Still, it's a great idea and who better to exploit it and make it work?

    wallpaper space. Space Art Wallpapers
  • Space Art Wallpapers

  • nagromme
    Aug 7, 01:50 PM
    The Mac Pros sound great... I'm getting one! I hope to wait for quads-on-one-chip (Kentsfield, due later this year) in hopes of even more cost reduction, but I already like what I see today! And I'm curious: how good are the top BTO GPU options?

    A smaller case seemed likely to me, but keeping the same case and fitting more expansion bays makes good sense too. But how about a mid-range tower? The market is there, and now you can't GET a dual-core Mac with choice of GPU--it's all quads. Sounds like there's a hole in the lineup. I bet Apple fills it... but "when" is the question. A dual-core Conroe headless with upradable GPU... I think it would sell well and draw Switchers, especially if priced as nicely as the new pro machines are.

    Now we enter the era of "Merom MacBook Pros next Tuesday!" rumors :p

    Anything that wasn't mentioned today can still come at any time :)

    wallpaper space. free space wallpaper, space
  • free space wallpaper, space

  • beebler
    Apr 20, 01:18 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8H7)

    How many people think this is some elaborate scheme to get people to think it will come out in the fall, when they might be setting people up for a surprise with the release of iphone 4 -white as the new ip5?

    It's not. Apple doesn't do that and they have been set on a September release for some months now.

    wallpaper space. beautiful space wallpapers
  • beautiful space wallpapers

  • dante@sisna.com
    Aug 7, 06:44 PM
    And it still doesn't run Adobe/Macromedia products. ;)

    Amen -- For me Adobe and Macromedia are huge apps -- I would never run them under Rosetta and chance my business to this setup.

    The Quad G5 is a great machine: worth the cash -- cheap RAM, native performance, 64-bit, good graphics, nice SATA and decent bus.

    wallpaper space. wallpaper 1280x1024 space
  • wallpaper 1280x1024 space

  • hulugu
    Apr 19, 02:08 PM
    What does "willing to be convinced" mean? Will you read Human Action by Mises? It's a thousand pages of thoroughly explained economics. You don't have to read the whole thing, just the sections pertaining to monetary policy and taxes.

    Well, I'm willing to read about it and really try to understand your point of view.

    If you are waiting for a super intelligent, eloquent, and succinct guy to spend a lot of time convincing people on message boards in order to be convinced of anything you don't already believe, you'll never change your mind about anything. From my end, I don't have the wherewithal or inclination to spend more than a few minutes on a post. So you're really only doing yourself a disservice by passively waiting for someone with all the answers- someone who is also willing to spend as much time as necessary to convince a complete stranger who completely disagrees with him.

    I thought we were just having a conversation...what I'm really looking for is a succinct argument as a frame for further investigation. I'm not convinced by either "side" here, but I am challenging your assertions because I'm trying to get a stronger sense of your point of view and where its edges are. So, if it feels like I'm picking at you, it's only because I find your arguments interesting and strong enough to be worth chewing on.

    wallpaper space. HD Wallpaper: “Space Fishing”
  • HD Wallpaper: “Space Fishing”

  • thejakill
    Mar 29, 08:55 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    This is quite valuable, since there is currently no way to store music on your computer.

    wallpaper space. Breaking Space Wallpaper
  • Breaking Space Wallpaper

  • puuukeey
    Jul 30, 12:28 PM
    If apple can make it so that cellphones don't suck the user into a void where s/he unaware that they are pissing the living ***** out of everyone around them, well then they are TRUE gods

    wallpaper space. Wallpapers · Space The
  • Wallpapers · Space The

  • suwandy
    Sep 16, 12:07 AM
    just remember everyone...

    all the rumor sits speculated the 23" imac (really 24") would be revealed at the "Showtime" event. apple fooled them all and released it a week early!

    let's hope the same thing happens for our mbp's. here's to next tuesday! :D

    One from me too! :D
    Although, I kinda thought, the longer they took to release the MBP, means more time they spent on improving any design flaws, internal flaws, any other flaws, or even adding more goodies, so here's to more than just C2D update!

    wallpaper space. Miscellaneous Space wallpaper
  • Miscellaneous Space wallpaper

  • ChrisNM
    Apr 25, 09:56 AM
    But keep in mind that the data might be wrong. I typed in my real name and it came up with me . . . but with details oddly wrong. Multiple accounts that could be me, but in each case with wrong data. I clearly have messed up some databases along the way (good).

    I did the same thing. The site said I lived in a $1MM+ home. I wish!

    wallpaper space. Etherlight Space Wallpaper
  • Etherlight Space Wallpaper

  • rmwebs
    Apr 21, 05:05 PM
    I think the next Mac Pro refresh will be a huge milestone. Not only will it be the first case redesign in nearly a decade and add all the latest tech (USB3, sata III, thunderbolt, etc) but I believe Apple will take this opportunity to finally revise the pricing structure. Over the past few years, Apple has been making a clear shift towards the consumer market. Part of that is arguably negative ("dumbing things down") but the positive is more reasonable prices. The Mac Pro is the only computer left that hasn't been revised. My hope is that Apple will create a few models of the new Mac Pro, at least one of which is an affordable mid-range consumer tower starting under the the $2,000 mark.

    Unfortunately, they will probably wait to use the new performance desktop/server sandy bridge CPUs which Intel won't have ready until Q4 2011 (or later). If that's true then we won't see these new beauties until 1H 2012. :(

    If anything the pro will increase in price as its very much close to the price of the 27" iMac, which is hampering its sales. Also, don't hold your breath for USB3 - as far as Apple's concerned, USB3 is a dead technology.

    Apr 7, 09:39 AM
    I don't understand, Apple can't let RIM have 12 panels? When they sell off those 12 units, Apple can let them have 12 more.

    Lol... if they let RIM have 12, then they'll have to let everyone have 12!

    Apr 18, 03:45 PM
    The OS, sure. Samsung made that look VERY close to iOS.

    The product design at Apple, however is just reinterpreted stuff from Dieter Rams. Products that function well start to look similar for a reason, though. If it ain't broke....


    Thank you for this post. Very good! :D

    Jul 21, 09:41 PM
    now if apple can build a laptop that won't give me a first degree burn we're in business :cool:

    As well as one that won't gimme a headache nor react with my body (http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?threadID=518047&tstart=0)

    A is jump
    Nov 26, 10:44 PM
    This will make the perfect addition to my Space age Bachlor pad! dim lights, play slow music... ha ha.
    what a laugh! I do like the idea. But I cant see myself buying one, unless I have a bunch of money to waste on something that wouldnt be especially productive for me.

    May 6, 07:37 AM
    Microsoft isnt switching over to just ARM. They're just making Windows compatible on ARM. For their Windows 8 Tablets most likely.

    Bingo, surprising it took 10 pages for someone to point out the obvious. It was starting to get funny reading about "Windows 8 on ARM!" as if that points to anything as far as laptops/desktops go.

    It's not like Windows running on something other than x86 or x86_64 is surprising anyhow. Windows NT had ports to PPC, MIPS, Alpha and more recently ia64 during it's long history (that dates back to 1993).