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  • -x-
    Jul 22, 02:59 AM
    I'm with you -X-

    Doesn't the iMac use the same intel chip as the MBP? Why all the hoohah about an impending MBP release, when it might also mean an upgrade for the iMac - which hasn't been bumped since it's announcement in Jan?

    Now before I'm lambarsted because the iMac is not a 'pro' machine, I am a professional graphic designer and I am in the market for one.

    Bring on the merom iMac! :cool:


    Well I have a 17" Intel Imac and would sell it in a heart beat for a merom conroe setup if a better video-card was involved. X1800 or something to that extent.

    The clock speed alone from my 1.8ghz yonah to a 2.3ghz meron or a 2.4ghz conroe would be over 60% speed increase. That is not including the over 20% increase from architecture change. We would be talking about a 80% to 100% increase speed on most apps when you consider clock speed increase and architecture change. :eek:

    Mind you it must have a videocard change as I am looking to never buy a pc gaming rig again. I currently have a A64 3000+ OCED at 2.4ghz with a x800xl and a gig of ram. If the Imac is twice as fast as my current gaming machine then I am sold. If not then Mac Pro would be the machine for me.

    I no longer want to spend $1500 on a mac $1500 on a gaming pc. When I can get a faster mac at $2500 and at the same time dual-boot that machine and get a gaming rid simultaneously. Lower price all together and a faster machine.

    Of course if the Imac has a better video-card then it I only need to spend $1600. :)

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  • reubs
    Mar 27, 02:21 PM
    I'm not too concerned with a fall release of iOS 5, but I worry about the idea of it being "cloud based". I want my data with me locally, and I don't want to have to stream it because I don't want to pay data rates for it.

    I wonder, though, if it will introduce some kind of cloud-based syncing that means downloading of apps and music and other kinds of media show up instantly on another system logged in to the same account. That would eliminate a need for syncing and would mean that connecting to a computer would only be for purposes of a local back-up. I could handle that.

    I'm really hoping, though, that the release of the phone is not pushed back to fall. I'm all prepared to take the iPhone plunge this summer, and I don't want that to get held back at all. I watch my wife with her iPhone, and it kills me that she uses it for only facebook and browsing!

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  • PlaceofDis
    Jul 21, 01:55 PM
    up the chips in the MBPs and up the speeds in the MBs?

    seems likely to me.

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  • JesterJJZ
    Apr 21, 04:52 PM
    Here's a quick scale / mockup

    Does not like.

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  • spacemanspifff
    Mar 31, 03:44 AM
    I for one am not really that bothered about Lion or any OS updates - I love to have the latest thing and all improvements are always good. However, in my opinion they need to fix the OS I have before they release another one! For example with the last "update" [10.6.7] my Open type fonts are now playing up and the wonderful new Mac App Store takes about a minute to launch!

    I get very worried when I hear El-Jobso talking about post a PC world as if he has decided already that the PC is dead. I for one could not make a living using an iPad and an iPhone.

    Macs have always historically been used by content creators and designers [like me]. If, sometime in the future, Apple plan to lock down the system like they do with the iOS then I will simply stop upgrading my system. I could carry on using the system I have now until I retire, so it makes no odds to me if they want to stop making "proper" macs. I would imagine the rest of the design community would feel the same.

    Don't get me wrong, I have an iPad and an iPhone and I can see how for the vast majority of consumers these would fit the bill for all your computing needs. However, if these consumers are going to have something to look at or play with or listen to, then us designers need the tools to create stuff with and that means powerful PCs.

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  • maknik
    Mar 29, 02:06 PM
    Most of my music files are at a moderate bitrate: a low estimate would be 5mb for a 5-minute song. An hour a day of mobile listening for a month means 60MB * 30 = 1.8GB. And if you have mp3s at 192kbps, you'd get only about 40 minutes a day for the same bandwidth.

    So I really don't see how this can be more than an occasional, niche product with a 2GB/month mobile cap. Am I missing something?

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  • mazola
    Sep 15, 05:01 PM
    Though the Macshrine site lists Photokina as happening on September 14--yesterday. :confused:

    Macshrine issued the following corrections:

    'September 14' was supposed to read 'September 25'
    'MBP' was supposed to read 'We don't know'

    We apologize for any confusion.

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  • minnesotamacman
    Sep 11, 01:20 PM
    I think tomorrow morning we could see the Apple Store online close for awhile as they update. When it reopens for your consumption, we will see updates to the MBP and the MacBook. This will silence all those who wanted an upgrade to them, and really set the table for an incredible show at 10:00 Pacific Time.

    I do want to say this though... Why are some people never happy and insist that if Apple doesn't upgrade the MBP they are going to buy a PC? This is, in my humble opinion, ridiculous. I would stick with the current generation of the MBP for OS X alone. Nothing could convince me to use a Windows-based computer. NOTHING. I am typing on a current generation, 2.16 GHz MBP, and I like it. Will I be slightly disappointed when the new ones come out and I have the last generation. Most likely. Will I be upset at Apple? No. This laptop happily does everything I ask of it. Yes I could use another 100 GB of memory, but that isn't going to happen anyways.

    I see an update to the laptops every 4-6 months in the future after this latest update. The speeds will keep creeping up, and the prices stay steady.

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  • Popeye206
    Apr 5, 03:19 PM
    Why all the hate for the jailbreak? Are you guys just too moronic to use it? Any iOS device is infinitely more capable when it is jailbroken. Without some of the apps in the Cydia store, many would say the iphone/ipad/touch is unusable. What is on your lockscreen all of you unjailbroken users? A measly clock? You cant access all your mail, notifications, calendar events, and the weather from your lockscreen? Are you serious? Oh you want to turn off bluetooth? You can't swipe across the bottom of the screen to toggle it? Want integrated google voice? Apple says no. Cydia says **** that, hell yes. I would wager that most of the jailbreak haters dont even know what its capable of nor have ever tried it before. Stay in your cave and watch shadows if you will. The rest of us will experience the real world.

    Some of what you mention sounds cool... but I've never Jail Broke my iPhone and it runs just fine - far from unusable. Nice that you love all the mods, but it's not for everyone. No need to insult those who choose not to JB.

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  • Multimedia
    Aug 3, 07:50 PM
    I see that you misunderstood the context of the 2.33Ghz but you are still incorrect. You can buy a 2.33Ghz Yonah today, its called the T2700. I know there are not any T2700's in a MBP but Apple could have done so if they wanted.

    Now, back to your 1.67X Battery life…

    Straight from a "Merom vs. Yonah" AnandTech article ( released earlier today

    OK Thank you. I was WRONG. INTEL Lied to us. Sorry. :confused: My first expectation is to see the isight in the MacBook Pros improved 1.3MP/2.0MP resolutions.

    Mac Pro in some form or another.

    but to see Multimedia & Teblah goto war after the keynote finishes?

    ... Priceless!;) :D :pI dont' think either one of us are feeling angry toward one another are we? I like Treblah. Why would anyone here think we want to fight? :confused:

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  • citizenzen
    Apr 14, 04:24 PM
    We should also cut spending across the board. Cut spending on EVERYTHING.

    Repeating myself ...

    I find this approach highly irrational. If you're overweight, it's important to lose fat. It does no good whatsoever to treat brain the same as fat ... to treat vital organs the same as fat ... to treat limbs and digits the same as fat.

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  • thisisahughes
    Mar 29, 09:29 AM
    wirelessly syncing my phone would be heaven


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  • -aggie-
    May 3, 09:56 PM
    Read your OP. I'm on an iPhone right now.

    Frak it. I have skilz:

    Battles will be simple. Say, our Hero has 2 HP and 1 AP, and our Monster has 1 HP and 1 AP. At the end of the fight, the Monster will be dead, and our Hero will have 1 HP and 1 AP. That's all there is to it.

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  • balamw
    Apr 14, 10:06 AM
    You can always donate to the federal reserve. Don't let me stop you!

    US Treasury not Federal Reserve.


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  • flir67
    Nov 26, 12:04 PM
    I think you hit it right on the head, you got the same idea that I was thinking.

    flash ram is cheaper now, but the hd size is not where it needs to be.

    the processor must be at least 1.2ghz to make it a winner.

    harddrive and ram would probably run off the same memory.

    got to remember both would be flash. :)

    I don't think it would appeal to that many people, to have an Apple MP3 player. I mean, the existing ones aren't great sellers.

    See the problem here? The reason the iPod took off was because it wasn't like the existing MP3 players.

    Take a look at a group of current products:

    1. The UMPC. Seems like a good idea, but not successful so far. Why not? Here's Gartner:

    An Apple tablet would beat content bundles problem, the shell/interface problem, and the synchronization problem. Inkwell and a bluetooth keyboard option would help; and built-in WiFi will certainly help. If Apple can do something about the battery problem . . . I also think the form factor needs work.

    2. The PDA. Right now the PDA market is growing, not shrinking - mostly thanks to the Blackberry and the PocketPC and at the expense of Palm. The magic combination seems to be email + cell wireless: if you can get your email anywhere you can use your cellphone, a PDA becomes a more compelling device. This ties in closely with

    3. The cell phone. Everyone is in agreement that the cell phone is a target area for Apple; the question is who Apple's carrier will be. A GSM-based device that does EDGE could be used with many different networks.

    4. The eBook reader, like the Sony Reader. The good side of the Sony Reader is low battery consumption and a very readable screen. The bad side is that it has to have a pretty low-consumption, low-use processor, no color, and the screen update speed is abysmal. The underlying tech of eInk isn't going to help with an Apple tablet, but the form factor might be a very good choice for a UMPC/Blackberry killer.

    5. The tablet computer. The reason the tablet computer has been a failure is because the writing interface isn't very good yet, and because the damned things are the same size and weight as a notebook, so there's little point in dumping the notebook for a tablet. A smaller form factor with the same power, but one that it a little more usable and compelling than the UMPC might be very successful.

    6. Video device, like the iPod with video or its competitors. A lot of folks complain that it's too small a screen, and the battery power isn't so hot. If you could have a larger screen that is not much heavier, and just a little more battery power . . .

    7. Web pad / web appliance (Nokia 770, Audrey, Pepper Pad, etc.) The problems with these so far have been form factor and OS quality. Most web appliances have run either PocketPC/Windows CE or customized Linux distributions. The Linux distributions that have been used haven't had a good enough UI for a general computing, general audience environment - the needs of a web appliance are too complex to be handled the same way embedded interfaces (like TiVo's) have been handled. Windows CE isn't designed for a general computing environment, either, and makes too many compromises. I also think the Nokia 770 is too small, the PepperPad is overwhelmed by its case, and the Audrey isn't flexible enough.

    A successor to the Newton that was a true OS X device, in a form factor similar to the Sony Reader, with .Mac synchronization, Airport Extreme and Bluetooth, a FireWire 400 and two USB 2 connectors, a mini-HMDI socket (with HDMI and DVI converters), a dock connector, an iSight, and an optical-capable audio plug, with some of the on-screen navigation tech we've seen in Apple patents, would be fantastic.

    But I'd be surprised if the tech is there yet: the processors aren't small enough and cool enough, the flash memory (you'd want flash and not a hard disk drive) doesn't have enough capacity yet, and the batteries don't have a long enough life. I'll bet there is a prototype device like this in the Apple labs, but it might have mediocre stats: say

    700 MHz processor equivalent
    16 GB storage
    256 MB ram
    3 hours of battery life (1.5 playing an iTunes movie)
    estimated cost to consumer $999.

    I think a successful device would need

    1.2 GHz processor equivalent
    80 GB storage
    1 GB RAM
    8 hours of battery life (5 playing an iTunes movie)
    estimated cost to consumer $699.

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  • paul4339
    Apr 7, 06:30 PM
    .... They're always playing catchup in regards to Apple and Google. Where is their relevance in today's computing world? I'm having a hard time seeing it outside of a few specialized applications. MS has become IBM. ....

    yes... i see where you coming from and agree ... In the consumer market can MS transition from a 'post-PC era' to services & consumer electronics?

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  • World Citizen
    May 4, 03:03 PM
    I want my Lion on a stick with a ThunderTail!

    What else do I use my Tunderbolt port for... :p

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  • Plutonius
    May 3, 11:14 PM
    No, I don't understand it that way. I understand that each group (one if we stay together, multiple if we split up) designates a leader. We do ALL of our conversation in the thread. Only the group leaders communicate the wishes of their group to the Game Gods via PM. They may take the consensus of the group, or they may implement decisions unilaterally without regard to group majority.

    Good job of explaining it.

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  • islanders
    Jul 21, 10:26 PM
    Thanks for the links.

    I don�t see why a 20% increase in speed is going to rock the boat. Especially if it�s in the MBP. So if it is ready for shipment I don�t see any advantage in waiting for the MBP line to upgrade.

    I guess I�ll have to do some research about the battery performance.

    Noone knows what Steve Jobs will do, but I think he had been roper-doping long enough with the G3 and G4. What 6 years with the same G4? He needs to come out swinging while Apple still has a strong brand name from the iPod.

    I hope to see some changes. The last 5 years have been so slow that it hasn�t been worth keeping up with.

    Nov 21, 01:14 PM
    I can't believe your BlueAnt is working for you. Yes my phone is a 3Gs. I had other replies to an earlier post that indicated that Apple did not allow some of the BT technology to work on their phone.

    I will try and "pair" again to iPhone and see if it works. I agree with you re hitting a button on the visor.

    May 6, 03:00 AM
    There's no reason why a Macbook Air couldn't use an ARM CPU for multi-day battery life. Heck, force developers to pay a fee to compile for ARM (it's already in place by charging for xcode) and you've basically forced every user to re-buy every app they use, for ARM... that's definitely Apple's MO, and I can definitely believe it.

    May 6, 06:01 AM
    If this turns out to be real, and windows 8 doesn't support ARM or for whatever reason doesn't run on Apple ARM laptops, this will be a major disaster.
    Even though I hardly ever use windows, I migrated to Mac because I could use it if I ever needed to.

    Aug 4, 02:07 AM
    Never buy an apple product!!!
    As soon as you do something new and better comes out!!!
    I am typing this away on my new Macbook, Core 1 Duo; which i bought under the self-brainwashed reasoning that the MBP alone would see 2x2. Why you ask? Cuz I figured hey, the MB JUST came out, why refresh it every 2 months! The MBP has been out like 8 months, that makes sense.
    I can only PRAY I am right.
    No that my Macbook will be instant crap... I just COULD have waited until september.
    Damn you apple...

    Dont worry. I m still pretty sure that you wont get meroms in MB before this november. All we might see is a little price drop for the current Yonah MBs.

    At best, there might be a Merom BlackBook available with Merom MBP. Thereby making a fool of everyone who`s bought a BlackBook for 150$ premium:p . Huh,,, I`d love to see a 1599$ Merom BlackBook with backlit keyboard this monday. Thank God I got the white book instead.:)

    Apr 25, 10:13 AM
    My cable internet provider knows where I am when I am online. :eek: