Nissan Micra Modified

Nissan Micra Modified. Here is my micra 2001 modified
  • Here is my micra 2001 modified

  • amols
    Aug 4, 12:32 PM
    A chip update has NOTHING to do with any outstanding issues, sorry...Apple is fully capable of fixing those (if any) with a better design AND a better chip.

    Nissan Micra Modified. Nissan Micra K11 Modified
  • Nissan Micra K11 Modified

  • bradc
    Jul 21, 02:04 PM
    ^^^^No kidding eh? Intel is on the move this year! Releasing products left/right&centre!

    This WWDC will either be amazing or a total letdown?

    Nissan Micra Modified. Nissan Micra K11 Modified
  • Nissan Micra K11 Modified

  • adztaylor
    Apr 18, 03:01 PM
    Waiting for Samsung to counter-sue for some frivolous reason in 3...2...1...

    The merry-go-round continues.

    Nissan Micra Modified. Nissan Micra Green: click to
  • Nissan Micra Green: click to

  • Hammer God
    Apr 7, 09:31 AM
    Apple Competitors: "I wish we had $50 billion in cash to do this sort of thing."

    Nissan Micra Modified. Nissan Micra K11 Modified
  • Nissan Micra K11 Modified

  • RalfTheDog
    Apr 7, 10:26 AM
    I'd rather have Apple ( or ANY company for that matter ) compete rather than having it throttle its competition.

    Do you really want Apple to have no competition? Oh, I wouldn't be surprised if this starts affecting a lot of Apple's competitors, for a prolonged period of time - various countries would start to look at Apple regarding its competition laws.

    Apple has competition, Apple. When your products have reached market saturation, your only sales are people upgrading to the newest model. Apple must make the 2012 iPad better than the or they will stagnate and die. RIM, Google and Microsoft are not factors. (If Apple ever fails to compete to the level RIM or Microsoft are factors, they will have bigger problems.)

    Nissan Micra Modified. the Nissan Micra and looks
  • the Nissan Micra and looks

  • Dr.Gargoyle
    Sep 11, 05:29 AM
    I think your right on the button with this one. iTMS is there to support apple products and as such they are going to want to keep it that way.
    If its not an updated ipod the only other product must be some kind of video aiport media device that you can rig up to you TV
    How many people wants to see a full lenght movie on an iPod? Why watch it on a 2.5'' when you can watch it on a 42''?
    Apple needs to introduce a TiVo like box if they want the movie sales to take off.
    First of all, this movie service will, just as in iTMS, not be very profitable for Apple.
    Secondly, Apple would just be another movie provider if they just offer movies.
    I doubt that is something Jobs could live with...

    Nissan Micra Modified. /modified-nissan-micra-
  • /modified-nissan-micra-

  • greenstork
    Aug 4, 01:03 AM
    I just hope Apple doesn't wait until Paris Expo to announce it. Then we're talking 2+ months.

    I'm sure HP, Dell, Apple and the rest of the computer makers out there will have Merom laptops available as soon as they receive the chips from Intel.

    Nissan Micra Modified. only Nissan+micra+k11
  • only Nissan+micra+k11

  • ovrlrd
    Mar 30, 07:17 PM
    Anyone downloading and installing on an MBA?

    Wondering about trim support.

    TRIM support was in the previous build as well so there is no reason for it not to be there still unless there was a major bug (doubt it).

    Nissan Micra Modified. Modified+nissan+micra+k11
  • Modified+nissan+micra+k11

  • skinned66
    Apr 5, 09:15 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

    Apple is just trying to protect the user experience for their product.

    Yes, it is ours to use and do with whatever we want once paid for, but.........
    Every jailbroken iphone user will complain and tell somebody that their phone always freezes up or isn't working right.

    They are not going to say in most cases it freezes, because I jail broke it!

    That info makes it look as if it is Apples fault that things don't work.

    :confused:My jailbroken iPhone 4 doesn't freeze on me. You shouldn't just make stuff up to defend Apple.

    The jailbreak haters make me laugh. My phone works just fine and while I do use a bit more memory, it's perfectly stable and I get a phone with far more utility. Any resultant perfomance issues are so negligible stock is not even competition.

    I understand some people bite off more than they can chew when they JB. I also know that scenario doesn't apply to everyone.

    Nissan Micra Modified. Modified Nissan Micra K11 1999
  • Modified Nissan Micra K11 1999

  • Don't panic
    May 3, 10:06 PM
    that example is based on an impossible scenario (according to the rest of the rules) because the hero has more HP than AP while the max for both should be the level
    it still illustrate the mechanics, but it does introduce confusion. that's why i had dropped it in my re-write. the second example is clearer

    Nissan Micra Modified. micra 1.2 sohc.
  • micra 1.2 sohc.

  • 2IS
    Apr 7, 11:42 AM
    Too funny. :rolleyes:

    I love all the posts that say, "competition is good, keep Apple on its toes." Problem is, the competition is just copying what Apple has done. Who else is really innovating anything new? Who else has any sort of long term vision of where technology can take us? RIM, MS, HP? Doubtful. Google? All they want is to know everything about you to improve their ability to sell marketing information.

    Apple making smart business decisions will only force others to rethink, innovate and create their own demand. Or die. Sorry if you don't like how the free market works.

    Copycat tactics or not, it's still competition which is good for us consumers. That includes the not-too-bright Apple fanboys who may think otherwise.

    Nissan Micra Modified. Nissan Micra K11 Modified
  • Nissan Micra K11 Modified

  • xraydoc
    May 6, 12:22 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_8 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8E401 Safari/6533.18.5)

    And go through the whole ARM-native app vs. Rosetta mk. II emulation thing again, with transitional machines that never live up to their full potential? Unless ARM can compete with the resources of Intel and their 3D 22nm chip fab technologies, I think it'll be a rough transition giving us several years worth of under-performing Mac hardware.

    Can't see using an ARM processor for Final Cut Pro by 2014.

    Nissan Micra Modified. Nissan Micra K11 Modified
  • Nissan Micra K11 Modified

  • kainjow
    Sep 10, 11:00 PM
    $3-4.99 rentals of brand new movies would be awesome. Otherwise, "meh"

    Nissan Micra Modified. Nissan Micra K11 Modified
  • Nissan Micra K11 Modified

  • PhoneI
    Mar 27, 10:02 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Getting mad doesn't impact apple's plans, unfortunately.

    yeah your right. Apple should alter their release schedules based on how mad their customers get when a new device is released. Especially since the device this customer bought still works exactly like they expected it to when they purchased it.

    Nissan Micra Modified. Nissan Micra K11 Modified
  • Nissan Micra K11 Modified

  • amols
    Nov 22, 01:23 AM
    Yeah sure...I hope they do know who makes iPods :)

    Nissan Micra Modified. 2012 nissan micra
  • 2012 nissan micra

  • liphonearth
    Apr 26, 04:27 PM

    Android takes over greater share of the market, while Apple retains the bulk of the revenues / profits.

    Just as Apple retains a small slice of the PC market while selling over 60% of $1,000+ computers, they will maintain superior revenues/profits no matter how "small" their share of the telecom market turns out to be.

    Ideal, as Apple stock prices might temporarily drop in price while their EPS continues to sky-rocket.


    Nissan Micra Modified. Nissan Micra K11 Modified
  • Nissan Micra K11 Modified

  • SuperMatt
    Apr 25, 09:24 AM
    If somebody steals your phone, this info would be the LEAST of your worries. Get over it. This is the panic of the week. Everybody will forget about it in no time.

    Nissan Micra Modified. Modified Nissan Micra K11
  • Modified Nissan Micra K11

  • ciTiger
    Mar 28, 11:36 AM
    Nice to see my iP4 will be the most recent iPhone for a little longer...

    Nissan Micra Modified. Modified Nissan Micra Vibe
  • Modified Nissan Micra Vibe

  • Zoowatch
    Aug 7, 09:10 PM
    how about frontrow and Apple remote?

    i know this is a pro machine...

    but having these built-in would be great

    besides... SJ mentioned that frontrow would be enhanced in Leopard

    does this mean that the new Mac Pro would have frontrow as well?

    Apr 20, 07:26 AM
    Yet they will stay in line for two days to pay premium for it.
    Apple has one great thing.... a lot of quarter-brain organisms that pump $$ to their pocket.

    You are so right. I'm thrilled with Apple's brainwashed minions, and even happier that I began loading up on Apple stock over a decade ago.

    Little did I realize they would bring us shareholders so much wealth. To think that I bought a load of shares when it was under $20 per, then kept adding each year since, brings a huge grin.

    At this point everything I buy is nearly free. And when they screw up the masses still buy it. Nothing could be sweeter.

    Gasu E.
    Mar 29, 02:39 PM
    Highly debatable. More than likely working conditions would be far superior to what they are in China or Japan, and everyone knows happy employees are good employees.

    Working conditions are bad in Japan????:confused:

    May 4, 02:58 PM
    Anyway, what happens if you whole hard drive dies?
    What if you want to reinstall everything from scratch?
    There is just too many what ifs

    I thought about this and while I think having a CD is better for these reasons, I don't think it would leave you up a creek without a paddle.

    Either you have an OS that supports Mac App store so you'd have a CD that would at least install that OS (and therefore you could install old OS and go back to Mac app store and reinstall Lion) or you'd have to buy the Lion CD anyways (but in this case if you lose the Lion CD you may be w/out Lion).

    So, while the app store does have the advantage that if you buy through them, long as you have the CD from the previous OS (and probably not too expensive to buy a CD off of ebay, don't know, haven't checked) you can re install Lion. WHere as if you buy the CD and lose it, you'll have to buy Lion all over again (and I am betting Lion won't be as "cheap" as Snow Leopard as it isn't considered an incremental upgrade).

    But... it also means more hassle if your hard drive does crash cause you'll have to install an OS twice.

    May 3, 05:27 PM
    [QUOTE=ravenvii;12507483]CURRENT KNOWN MAP:

    map confusion - I'm assuming the yellow marks are three doors. but is our start position inside the mansion ?

    Yes the marks are doors. And yes you start inside the mansion.

    Aug 3, 01:18 AM
    But it's perfectly acceptable to round 1.67 down too, it's half way between 1.5 and 2. Also depends on the price of a Sidcrome socket set.

    I'll believe this 2x battery life bollocks when I see the results from the labs, not some chintzy marketing ploy by Intel.It's not a "chintzy marketing ploy by Intel". It's a scientific test conducted by two Intel Marketing engineers which I always believe because Intel employees are honest people with families and friends who love them. :)