Mercedes Benz S Class 2010

Mercedes Benz S Class 2010. 2010 Mercedes-Benz S-Class
  • 2010 Mercedes-Benz S-Class

  • Mac'nCheese
    Apr 9, 08:30 PM
    Mac'nCheese: I think that in elementary school you first learn to multiply and then to divide. So first you multiply and then you divide.

    That left to right rule is not following the order of the letters.
    So for this case it is not PEMDAS but PEDMAS...

    The Arabs give us the numbers that we use nowadays, and they do write from right to left.

    So your math teacher is telling us that Mac OS X is giving us a wrong answer...You might need to watch waiting for Superman.

    Sorry but you are wrong. That's exactly what they teach us. You do not first multiply and then divide. I already pointed out why calculators do pemdas wrong, u can google it or look at the link below. Funny line about superman but your wit does not make you correct. A simple google search on how to do math will teach you the correct way.

    Mercedes Benz S Class 2010. 2010 Mercedes-Benz E-Class AMG
  • 2010 Mercedes-Benz E-Class AMG

  • jb510
    Mar 27, 12:43 AM
    Pushing the iPhone 5, along with iOS 5, to the fall really wouldn't surprise me at all. In fact it would seem a little weird if Apple were to finally release a white iPhone 4 and then release an iPhone 5 a month or two later... even if they have constantly kept "last years" model around at a discount previously. Maybe the white iPhone will be and iPhone 5...

    I am not making a guess either way, just saying I think it's 50/50 at this point and that I put no faith in any of the rumors yet...

    Similarly I do think an iPad 3 (or iPad 2 HD) could come out before Christmas, in fact releasing iPad in the fall makes much more sense to me than in the spring as they have been since they make better gifts than phones. I think Apple could release an iPad 2 HD right now in fact, but would have to sell it at a loss, so they are waiting until the competition gets closer to and then they'll roll it out to trounce them again.

    Those trying to read between the lines with the notion that Steve deliberately coded a message into his presentation to indicate there would not be another iPad this year are delusional and unfamiliar with Apple. It's actually MORE likely that the presentation was structured to mislead people into believing there wasn't another iPad coming than the opposite.

    Mercedes Benz S Class 2010. 2010 Mercedes-Benz E-Class AMG
  • 2010 Mercedes-Benz E-Class AMG

  • benpatient
    Mar 29, 12:04 PM
    Ownership of data is a concern. If I buy music through the cloud service does that affect my ownership of the music/data? Can I download the music to my hard drive and have unrestricted access to it after I cancel my cloud subscription?

    You can log in to your cloud account at any time and download any music you've purchased from

    If you have a paid account, and you use more than the 5GB of "free" data space, then you stop paying for it and your account reverts back to "free" mode, you can still download your data, but you can't add any new data to the account until you remove enough to get you back under the 5GB cap.

    If you have stuff on the cloud that you don't already have stored on your own device somewhere, you're playing with fire to begin with.

    Mercedes Benz S Class 2010. 2010 Mercedes-Benz S-Class
  • 2010 Mercedes-Benz S-Class

  • sachamun
    Nov 26, 12:23 PM
    Rather than a traditional laptop/tablet idea, I'm envisioning a small device that truly combines
    1. music/vid player
    2. cell phone
    3. camera
    4. osx capable computer

    If/when the tech is in place for something like this, it would be really appealing to alot of people, myself included. Even though I'm not the biggest fan of gadgets, something which really replaced all my current junk would be very cool.

    Mercedes Benz S Class 2010. ultra luxury S-Class model
  • ultra luxury S-Class model

  • ghostlines
    Mar 31, 06:22 AM
    Sounds just like some bloke from Apple. Snow Leopard's the last of the true desktop OS's. Lion is the bridge, and whatever follows will either be primarily iOS, or so close it's of little consequence. I'm so glad I hung onto my 2010 MBP.

    Let's not forget it was the iPod that saved Apple and marked it's beginning as a gadget & entertaiment company. I had a nasty feeling then it would mark the decline of Apples great computers & here we are. How ironic it is that most people are unaware that a Brit actually invented the iPod and like so many other things, Apple stole the thing and ran with it. True "innovators" at Apple, yeah right.

    iOS has good features like full screen, launchpad, invisible scrollbars, AppStore. And Apple is just incorporating those features, and so far so good imo.

    I doubt they'll lock down OS X because we still need to use it to develop on, don't be afraid just embrace the new features you like.

    Mercedes Benz S Class 2010. New Mercedes-Benz S-Class!
  • New Mercedes-Benz S-Class!

  • shingi70
    Apr 7, 10:01 AM
    Wow I'm suprised that people. Are saying it sucks before its out. Could anyone tell me why excatly its a bad product. Seems that it will be great for enteprise with the bb bridge.

    Mercedes Benz S Class 2010. 2010 Mercedes Benz S400 Hybrid
  • 2010 Mercedes Benz S400 Hybrid

  • nbs2
    Nov 22, 02:08 PM
    Other than confusing everyone with too many options, no. <snip>

    You break my heart. Something tells me that this won't be the phone for me. I would put money on it having the one thing I don't want - a camera. I don't want it, I don't need it, and it's a pain to have one.

    Although, I was thinking that there would be just a couple of BTO options - maybe a camera and BT - not an entire gamut of BTO possabilities. I agree that too many would be expensive (and the firmware would end up too complicated).

    Mercedes Benz S Class 2010. S-Class Facelift (Spy Photos
  • S-Class Facelift (Spy Photos

  • SodaPopMonster
    Jul 30, 08:52 AM
    Remember the "Proximity sensor" patent?

    That would be a great way to have a keyboard and numbers, wouldn't it?


    Mercedes Benz S Class 2010. 2010 Mercedes-Benz S-Class
  • 2010 Mercedes-Benz S-Class

  • ravenvii
    May 3, 09:23 PM
    EDIT: Read above. Don't panic got it.

    Mercedes Benz S Class 2010. Mercedes-Benz S-Class on
  • Mercedes-Benz S-Class on

  • BC2009
    Mar 28, 11:13 AM
    The iPhone 4 is already dated relative to other phones on the market. To have a phone on the market for 18 months without an update is insane.

    You're missing something here.... The iPhone actually gets updates over its lifespan rather than promises of updates followed up by the requirement to buy a new phone in order to install the latest version of an open Android operating system on a closed manufacturer's phone. All-to-frequent updates make buyers feel like they have been tricked, especially when they cannot upgrade their phone to do the same things the new phones are doing because the manufacturer prevents it.

    Not to mention that most folks have 2 year contracts and don't like to pay the penalty to upgrade early. The notion that 15 months between upgrades (not 18 months -- if you are counting June 2010 to September 2011) is not bad at all -- especially to the masses who are not early adopters. The iPhone 4 is still holding its own against the competition and its better than it was when it released because of software upgrades. It still does many things better than phones that have released since (like take better photos). Heck, I am still using my iPhone 3GS and I still love it because it gets new features every few months and has even improved on performance.

    Do I think a dual-core 1Gz iPhone with 1GB of RAM would stack up better statistically against the competition? Yes. Do I think that phone will do more things and be faster? Yes. Do I think 3 months will matter all that much in the long run? No. If it means some vast improvements are coming (including LTE) -- then I am willing to wait 3 months.

    Mercedes Benz S Class 2010. 2010 Mercedes-Benz S-Class and
  • 2010 Mercedes-Benz S-Class and

  • 3CCD
    Aug 11, 11:24 AM
    I'm waiting after the new year with the release of OS X 10.5 and then possibly getting a MBP. When is the Pairs show? I keep reading September but what are the exact dates? Thanks.

    Mercedes Benz S Class 2010. In the 2010 S-Class,
  • In the 2010 S-Class,

  • old-school
    Apr 25, 05:59 AM
    This isn't surprising news considering that Lion will be running on a new 27-inch iMac screen.

    Mercedes Benz S Class 2010. Mercedes-Benz S-Class and the
  • Mercedes-Benz S-Class and the

  • teme
    Apr 20, 03:22 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-gb) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I think Apple needs to concentrate more on improving iOS rather than adding a faster processor. Tbh I'm pretty fed up of my iPhone 4 as the is just looks boringly simple. Not everybody wants the same old os on every device. I think it's the omnia 7 next for me so I can have a change.

    I agree. iOS is #1 reason why I haven't bought iPad yet - Android 3.0 looks so good on tablets that I haven't decided yet wheter to buy iPad or Android tablet. I'm not that interested in new iPhone models either, because iOS has basically looked the same since the first iPhone, and it's beginning to look very old and dated. I know it's simple to use, and for many people that's the biggest reason to choose iOS, but personally I like to try new things.

    Mercedes Benz S Class 2010. sclass 2010 Mercedes Benz
  • sclass 2010 Mercedes Benz

  • Eidorian
    Jul 21, 02:03 PM
    Sheesh. This is a 180 from waiting for G5 updates.They're much more predictable with Intel's roadmap.

    Mercedes Benz S Class 2010. 2010 Mercedes-Benz S-Class
  • 2010 Mercedes-Benz S-Class

  • ipxmbx
    Apr 7, 12:26 PM
    Haters gonna hate.
    Just because someone brings up a counterpoint does not make them a hater.

    When you use adolescent name calling it kills your image, and destroys your credibility.

    A limited vocabulary reveals many things. Anyone can call others names, it doesn't prove a thing.

    Mercedes Benz S Class 2010. M-Benz 2010 S Class
  • M-Benz 2010 S Class

  • NebulaClash
    Apr 25, 10:21 AM
    News Flash:

    He's a Liar.

    News Flash: You just lied about Steve Jobs.

    Mercedes Benz S Class 2010. M-Benz 2010 S Class
  • M-Benz 2010 S Class

  • Don't panic
    May 5, 03:26 PM
    slow day today. i was hoping we could get a couple of rounds in.

    Mercedes Benz S Class 2010. MERCEDES-BENZ S-CLASS

  • Susurs
    May 6, 04:23 AM
    My subjective view is that it's a 'special message' to the Intel as latter lately imposes it's rules on using cpu's ... no Nvidia chips for example ...

    Mercedes Benz S Class 2010. 2010 Mercedes-Benz S-Class
  • 2010 Mercedes-Benz S-Class

  • spicyapple
    Jul 29, 11:29 PM
    The Apple iPhone would have to be better in functionality than a Blackberry to be considered useful, unless they can work out a better input device method or utilize Microsoft's Vista speech recognition program.

    Sep 11, 02:36 AM
    Mine connection would take around 14 hours, but we have adsl 2+ now which is up to 24mb/sec. Can't wait to upgrade :cool:

    This movie store is all exciting and all, but with out world stores, it will be the US who will be enjoying it :(

    Holy eff. Im in the states and Im only gettin 786/384 :mad:

    Then again we get it for free...but still....

    Apr 26, 03:38 PM
    Where are the Android users that these stats support? I barely seen folks with Android devices. The vast majority clearly have iPhones. Maybe I need to be in a more tech centric urban area than Richmond, VA. I don't really care who's leading, I buy MY device for MY reasons, just saying from observation.

    Hehe, up here in Arlington all I see is either iPhone or Android for personal phones, but everyone (in both camps) seems to have a BB as well...

    Mar 28, 10:45 AM
    Makes sense - WWDC is a developers conference and the iPhone is a consumer's device.

    Apr 9, 08:43 PM
    The lack of proper notation makes the equation ambiguous. 100% of Elementary School teachers should agree.

    No it doesn't. It is perfectly noted and not ambiguous at all. Feel free to ask any teacher, what do you think is missing from the equation? Btw, what are basing your 100% figure on? Have u asked even one?

    May 9, 12:05 PM
    There are changes coming to MobileMe, but I can't say anymore due to an NDA.